The World is Opening Up. Are you?

By Chelsea Weber
This time last year, humanity found itself roughly two months into a global trauma, of which the effects were yet to be fully known, seen or felt. One year and several vaccines later, our world is beginning to open back up… seemingly as swiftly as it shut down.
Humans are adaptive. Every process within our body works to propel us forward–mentally, physically and emotionally. So while we may in the moment feel adjusted, the truth is that our survival mode only carries us so far. We still have a long way to go before surviving returns to thriving, and a significant part of our work will be re-learning to connect with other humans. IRL.
It is known that humans are wired for connection. After a year of isolation, quarantine and being cooped up, many of us are experiencing some seriously conflicting emotions. While we are desperate to connect, we are also equally as anxious. For some, the thought of getting back out into the world in a meaningful way can feel incredibly overwhelming. So, how do we avoid the fear?
We don’t.
Human connection is rooted in a shared understanding that both parties are coming to the table with their own fears, insecurities, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, etc. Our work at TSD is centered around creating a space where this mutual understanding works to foster acceptance, listening and, ultimately, powerful connections between friends, lovers, family and strangers.
If you want to know the secret to reconnecting with your world, it’s a simple one: Be willing to be vulnerable. Easier said than done, we know, but the hardest part is the not knowing. What will we talk about? Am I still interesting? What if it’s awkward? What if I’m anxious?
If you find yourself feeling more and more ready to reconnect with humanity, but aren’t entirely sure where to start, we’ve got you covered.
Our {THE AND} card games are designed to help you explore the space between you and another person. With 11 decks and counting, we have packed each one with 199 meaningful questions for you to kick-start, expand or reflect on your relationships. Whether you are old friends, new lovers, strangers or family, there is a deck for you.
So, take a deep breath and dive in. We will do the asking–all you have to do is show up for the answers.
Happy (Re)Connecting
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